A story about mindful eating and living in the present moment.
Seville Orange is a therapeutic story which encapsulates the complexities of different emotions through the metaphor of food.
It follows the story of Rosa and her relationship with her grandmother. Rosa’s grandmother teaches her the importance of validating her emotions and accepting that life is a combination of multiple flavours which must be embraced in order to achieve balance.
The book is designed to help children aged between 9-12 and also contains a selection of therapeutic activities which will help children explore their emotions through play and creativity.
It is the second story and activity pack in Ropana Stories.
Seville Orange Book Reviews

A story designed to teach children about embracing their emotions.
Deep past the fast moving white clouds, floats an angry cloud named Kokan. Kokan is a wild, dark cloud who rages through the sky casting a shadow everywhere he goes. He has a strong and uncomfortable presence.
‘Kokan and Zoya’, is a therapeutic story designed to help young children process and understand the complex nature of anger. The book is designed to help children aged between 7-10 and also contains a selection of creative arts and therapeutic play inspired activities which will help children explore their emotions, manage their anger and alleviate their stress in a fun and playful way.
It is the first story and activity pack, by Vasavi’s Therapeutic Stories & Play.
Kokan & Zoya Book Reviews